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The Rose That Withstood

I pray the rose in you continues to bloom! No matter what you are facing! Because of God, because of your faith, you have withstood the storms that have come before. I say to you, you will WITHSTAND   ! You will SURVIVE. Your very roots might be shook, even dug up, but there is still a part of you that has hung on no matter what. You are a survivor.

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You Are Not Alone

Have you ever felt like you were drowning in your own tears? Like you falling from a cliff with no help in sight? That you were sinking in quicksand and not a rope to latch onto? YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I have…MANY times in my life. Life’s trials and tribulations, issues and situations will have you feeling like everything is closing in on you and there is no hope in sight. Been there, done that! But there is hope! Here at My Faith, we desire to be a place where you can see you are not alone. That even if you are in the darkest time of your life, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! That...

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All About Me and My Faith!

Welcome! My Faith Boutique & Blog, a safe place to come and share our love of God and one another. A place to share my faith, your faith, her faith, his faith...OUR FAITH! Here, we hope to inspire, encourage, and uplift one another in a world that is full of chaos and turmoil.

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