The Rose That Withstood

The Rose That Withstood

I want to be like the rose that's at my back porch at my home. My family and I moved into our home in 2010. When we first moved in, noticed that there was a single rose right off the side of my back porch. Now I am the chic that if everybody was born with a green thumb, mines would be black. Meaning, I have no thought or idea when it comes to plants, of any sort! So much so, I had a small cactus when I was little…and I killed it…lol! Back to the story.

Now this rose was absolutely beautiful. It usually blooms red and sometimes a dark red color. I've watched that rose grow for over 10 years. And no matter what, its withstood against all odds. I’ve watched my dog literally dig a hole at its roots, plop down and rest in its shade for cool and rest. We live in Alabama, so the weather is as crazy as it wants to be! It has been snowed on, braced itself against hurricanes, and even faced drought. There has been a time where a young boy who wanted to do my yard, accidentally clipped part of its branch off. And yet, through it all, it still stands.

Whether it was pets digging and sleeping at its roots. Or people accidentally clipping it. Or even when storms and snow poured down on it. It still withstands the test of time. Every year that rose bush comes back and blooms with the prettiest roses, sometimes it's just one single rose or a few roses. But it still blossoms no matter what.

Today, I wish to call the rose within you to bloom! That very rose that no matter what life has thrown at it, it still lives to see another day! You have faced trying and even crippling times. You have weathered some storms. Quite possibly, you are either in a storm, just came through a storm, or heading into a storm. A storm that can very well shake you and your faith to its core. But I speak life to that rose within you. Because of God, because of your faith, you have withstood the storms that have come before. I say to you, you will WITHSTAND   ! You will SURVIVE. Your very roots might be shook, even dug up, but there is still a part of you that has hung on no matter what. You are a survivor. Just like that beautiful rose at my back porch, you are a survivor. Now realize, believe, and know that your faith, your God is with you. HE that is in you is greater than he that’s in the world. God’s word says in 1 John 4:4

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

© 2021 DVPettis

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