You Are Not Alone

Have you ever felt like you were drowning in your own tears? Like you falling from a cliff with no help in sight? That you were sinking in quicksand and not a rope to latch onto? YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I have…MANY times in my life. Life’s trials and tribulations, issues and situations will have you feeling like everything is closing in on you and there is no hope in sight. Been there, done that! But there is hope! Here at My Faith, we desire to be a place where you can see you are not alone. That even if you are in the darkest time of your life, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! That you are alone in fighting for your life. My Faith is about being a beacon of hope, sharing the ups and downs of life, lifting others in times of need. And relying on God to get us through. BUT GOD!
We are family. And this family, is here for you. My Faith Family is about unity, hope, love, and light. Yes, we are also a boutique, that’s our business side. But we are so much more than that! We are first and foremost about our heavenly Father’s business. Ministry, serving others. Lifting up other brothers and sisters in prayer, helping those that need a helping hand. We able to do this with My Faith Boutique! By providing Christian wares that can give hope, shine a light, offer comfort to someone, we use My Faith Boutique as a resource to be a change agent. We are not your traditional business. We are about sharing the love of God to our family, our community, our world. Be it through our products or our blog.
All of us have struggled in various ways from various things, but there is hope. Having faith in God is your hope. A faith that sometimes might be shaken to its very core, but true faith throws you a lifeline. A line given by God. That Comforter, Counsellor that was given when Christ gave his life for us! Your faith in the Almighty is your lifeline. Because of your FAITH, you were able to overcome the other obstacles that were thrown at you. It is your FAITH that has allowed others see, that if she/he can make it through what they’ve been through, I can too. That’s why My Faith is here. To encourage, inspire, give hope, be a beacon of light in the darkness.

© 2021 DVPettis

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