All About Me and My Faith!

“I Can’t Give Up Now…I have TOO Much to GAIN!”

 Hi and welcome to My Faith Blog! A place of hope, faith, and inspiration. A safe place to share our love of God! Let me introduce myself, I am Darlene Pettis. The mother of 3 awesome kids and grandmother of 3 beautiful grandchildren. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, my mother and I lived there until I was 11 years old. Then we moved down south to my current living, Montgomery, Alabama.

Here, I have been given a beautiful life. Not an easy one, but one that I wouldn’t change for anything. I am an Elder at First Missionary Baptist Church, where I serve under my spiritual father, Bishop Aaron D McCall. I came into ministry in 2010 after a life changing incident with my mother. 2010, my mother had Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD), where her heart stopped SEVEN times! She has fully recovered, thank God. It was then I chose to stop ignoring the calling on my life. It was then I went into ministry training. But before I go on about my life after entering ministry, I’ll tell you about life before.

I believe in transparence. Can I be real…completely open to you? For years I avoided church. I started off Catholic as long as I can remember. YEP, I’m a Catholic school girl. (For those who know the jokes about them…lol!) During my life, I have not always made the best decisions, but I regret nothing. It was my faith in God that has helped me get through some of the darkest times in my life. Including depression, health issues, emotional and mental battles. I haven’t always been “saved, sanctified, and filled the Holy Spirit”. In fact, I was more like, yes, I believe that there is a God, but what does that have to do with me! It was after going through so many trials and troubles that I decided to “try Jesus”. Yes, I said that. And it has been the best decision that I have ever made. I will not say that it has been an easy decision, but the best. At times in my life, my faith has been tested, my faith has even waivered, my faith has even stalled. But HIS love, and grace, and mercy is what I know now that has kept me. MY FAITH in GOD! My faith has grown from a mustard seed to a continuous sprouting plant. And if I know that He can do it for me, HE CAN DO IT FOR OTHERS!

I have had my good share of life’s trials, tribulations, and bad situations! Bad decisions I have made. And many hard lessons I had to learn. I am far from perfect, and I know that I shall never be perfect. I can only be me…the BEST ME! Completely transparent so that if any person can see my life and what I have been through, may be, just maybe, they can make it through their situations…maybe realize that they can get up after falling…maybe they can realize that God hasn’t given up on them. It is my faith that I hope to share so that others are willing to share their faith and it passes on and on.

 …About My Faith Boutique and it’s Beginning 

 My faith, my family, and ministry are my daily motivations. My faith in God has truly brought me a long way. Hence, the name of my website, My Faith Boutique & Blog.

 It is my faith that pushes me to continue to be a better woman for my family, my community, and my God. I have stepped out on my FAITH and decided to start My Faith Boutique & Blog online Christian store and blog. Faith that I desire to share with all who would listen. Because it’s not just about my faith…it your faith, her faith, his faith, our faith. Faith in God that He is an awesome and loving God who has unconditional love for all.

My Faith Boutique& Blog is truly one that has been in making for over 10 years. I was one that whenever I went into our Christian stores located in Montgomery and surrounding areas, I was stepping into my “candy store”. But that ended when both large brand Christian stores closed in our tri-county area. Having nowhere to go, I would shop and search online. However, I’ve come across prices and “so-called” Christian sites that were based solely on profit and nothing else. I saw a need for a place where other like-minded can come find the gifts, accessories, and stationary without having to pay such significant high prices. I saw a need to provide a safe place where people like me can come and openly share their faith, can come be uplifted, encouraged, and inspired!

© 2021 DVPettis

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